23 April 2009

Smoking Linked to Breast Cancer

There is now enough scientific evidence to link both active smoking and second-hand smoke to breast cancer, according to an international panel...

The panel also concluded that the relationship of active smoking to both pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer is consistent with causality...

"It is important from a public health perspective to get the message out to the public, and young women in particular, that available evidence shows that both active smoking and exposure to passive smoke increase the risk of breast cancer," said Professor Anthony Miller...

Anyone surprised?



Mark said...

My wife will not only be surprised but will deny it like a neo-Nazi with the Holocaust.

She claims that her mom's breast cancer was not caused at all by chain smoking and no amount of hard evidence will convince her differently.

WestEnder said...

The inability (or refusal) to accept scientific or empirical evidence is an interesting (if annoying) psychological phenomenon.

Just to be clear in regard to this issue, however: the evidence suggest an association but not causation. So smoking increases risk for breast cancer but does not necessarily cause it.

k said...

smoking also increases the risk for blood clots in women taking birth control.

moral: just don't smoke if you're a woman. or a man, for that matter.

westender - thanks for championing scientific evidence!