12 October 2006

Baseball Not the Only Thing Looking Good in Michigan

Took a few days hiatus from blogging but I'm back to report two items of good news from Michigan. Actually, make it 3 items:

First is that Granholm is leading DeVos in the polls. DeVos is the evangelical corporatist (i.e. Republican) candidate. In other words, he represents the two special interests that have brought us failure and incompetence for 5 straight years. But hey, let's wish him (and his co-pilot, Jesus) best of luck anyway.

Second, the Tigers are so hot I am actually starting to believe the hype on their unofficial expat fan blog. When I was in Dearborn a fortnight ago I asked the hotel bellman about the Lions. Oops. It only brought him heartache. I should have asked about the Tigers, but I conditioned myself not to bring up baseball that weekend because my NYC cousins, big-time Yankee fans, might be in earshot.

Third, the Michigan Dept. of Education just set its science guidelines. I am happy to report that the science guidelines are based on science and not the Flying Spaghetti Monster:

“We do not want to create any uncertainty in the Board’s support of Evolution,” said State Board of Education Vice President John C. Austin. “We need to send a clear statement that there is no ambiguity on the part of the Board that Evolution is good science.”

“Science supports Evolution in the way it’s set forth in the content expectations before us,” said State Board member Reginald Turner. “The word ‘may’ clouds the science of Evolution after decades of scientific evidence, and is inconsistent with what we know about Evolution today.”

But there's no need for fundamentalists to feel left out... there's plenty of science suitable for the people of the flying spaghetti.


K. said...

I took tomorrow off work, i'm home in Port Huron, and i'm heading downtown (without tix) tomorrow night in what is expected to be sub-40degree weather....just to be in the vicinity. if they win tomorrow night, i'll go saturday too. i already have tickets for sunday - but i'm not sure if they'll get that far.

I love this team.

WestEnder said...


(Oregonian for "woo hoo!").