01 March 2007

Catholic Cincinnatian Blogs from Israel

Dennis O'Connor, an editor at the Catholic Telegraph, is part of a small group of Catholic journalists visiting Israel. You can read about his journey on his blog.

A couple of excerpts:

The only hitch in the program... was trying to get reasonable fares for me from Cincinnati to JFK. "We tried several times to get the prices down, but in the end, we could not justify the costs of a direct flight from Cincinnati to JFK," she told me last week. "I'm sorry to inform you that we're going to have to route you from Cincinnati to Chicago, then on to LaGuardia. At LaGuardia you'll take a taxi to JFK." In closing, Ruth tells me she's never seen anything like the fares out of CVG. It would have been more expensive to fly me direct to JFK than the journalist out West.

Four years ago, I traveled with a group of Catholic journalists to Jordan... There was some open animosity expressed by the folks from Jordan, and I think our group took that in stride... I recall that everywhere we went, waiters or workers, everyone, really, would ask us hopefully, "are you British?" No, American, was the reply. Then we received what I remember as a tight-lipped litany of something that bordered on contempt. "You are welcome" was the greeting, then.

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