29 October 2005

Could This Be the End of Celebrity Viagra Spokespersons?

Leading figures in the medical academe are calling for an end to direct-to-consumer pharma advertising. They say at the very least the FDA should regulate it.


K. said...

I've always had a problem with drug company advertisements. two of my favorite ones to hate are the old Prozac and Zoloft ads. Similar, they are cartoonish and found in magazines like People, Glamour, Vogue....appealing to women who are already depressed that they don['t look like the women in the magazine and are not famous celebrities with fabulous lives.

anyway, the prozac was a two pager....one would be a crumpling pine tree - like in charlie brown's christmas - the other page was a full sprawling perfectly drawn pinetree. the idea being conveyed, that before you take the prozac, you are an ugly little piece of shit but after you take the prozac everything is PERFECT!

Zoloft, in print and on television, with those little eggs floating around....and its dark and cloudy and raining...but boy, as soon as you take that zoloft you're automatically in the bright sun....all shining days ahead!

People dumber than me buy into that crap. and the drug companies get richer. its stupid.

Wes said...

This is a grand parody of those ads.